I was invited by Google USA to speak at the Venice Office in California on the topic ‘Thriving Together: Why Inclusion Matters for Trans People’. It was an honour to speak at Google.
From November 12th to 20th was Transgender Awareness Week. Transgender people around the world have constantly endured stigma, discrimination and violence in many forms everyday around the world. TDoR is observed to highlight the challenges faced by us, to stand up together to voice against exclusion and violence faced by the community and to bring visibility to transgender persons and our contributions.
During my talk at Google, I emphasized the importance of fostering a thriving environment that transcends traditional gender stereotypes. By doing so, organizations can ensure the continuous growth and success of their employees and, ultimately, contribute to a better future for all. It was evident to me that Google, with its existing endeavors, serves as an exemplary model.
In India, the working population of transgender individuals in corporate settings remains less than 5%. It is imperative that leading organizations step up and recognize the immense talent pool that is waiting to be tapped into. This transformative shift from exclusion and stigma to inclusion and a better quality of life has the potential to significantly improve the lives of transgender individuals.
In summary, my experience speaking at Google highlighted the urgent need for prioritizing inclusivity, not only within the workplace but also in society as a whole. It is through efforts like these that we can bring about meaningful change and create a brighter future for everyone.
The Google office was an amazing place. I enjoyed my lunch with team members of the company. I also spoke with transgender employees from Google and we discussed about the difficulties we face in our everyday life. I personally spoke to a girl and motivated her to be strong and hopeful for the future. It was a beautiful trip. An unforgettable one of course.